25: Autoimmunity, GMOs & Food as Medicine

Published: Feb. 12, 2015, 11 p.m.


This episode is with one of my favorite people and researchers\\u2026 Dr. Terry Wahls of The Wahls Protocol is not only a brilliant doctor and researcher, but she reversed her progressive MS through food and lifestyle changes and went from using a tilt recline wheelchair to walking, biking and running.

To say she is an inspiration is an understatement and her work is equally inspiring as she works to bring knowledge of the role of diet in cellular health to mainstream medicine. She has a clinic where she helps patients with a variety of conditions to find their own health answers.

In this podcast episode, we cover:

  • How Dr. Terry reversed her MS
  • Her protocol for reversing chronic disease, autoimmune disease and more
  • The real problem with GMOs (it isn\\u2019t what you think)
  • How cholesterol works and why low cholesterol could actually increase your risk of death and disease
  • The role of the microbiome for health
  • The best ways to support our children for lifelong health
  • So much more

Resources mentioned:

Dr. Terry is a wealth of information. I hope you enjoy this episode of the Wellness Mama podcast and will tell your friends and family members about it as well.

Read Transcript

Katie: Hi, and welcome to the Wellness Mama podcast. I\\u2019m Katie from wellnessmama.com, and I\\u2019m so excited about my guest today.

But first, did you know that information can travel through your brain at over 260 miles per hour? And that your brain is the fattest organ in your body, with about 60% fat? Today\\u2019s guest is a specialist and knows quite a bit about the brain and the body. Doctor Terry Wahls is a clinical professor of medicine at the University of Iowa and a staff physician at the Iowa City Veterans Affairs Hospital, where she teaches medical students and resident physicians, sees patients with traumatic brain injury and therapeutic lifestyle clinics with complex, chronic health problems that often include multiple autoimmune disorders, and conducts clinical trials.
Doctor Terry, welcome. Thank you so much for joining us.

Dr. Terry: Oh, thank you. I\\u2019m always glad to chat with you, Katie.

Katie: Awesome. I did not include your story in the bio, because I want you to tell it yourself to our listeners, but it\\u2019s so incredible. I\\u2019ve talked with you in person and was just absolutely blown away, not only by how vibrant and healthy you are right now, but of hearing your story and how you got here. So can you walk us through your journey?

Dr. Terry: Oh, absolutely. I\\u2019m actually profoundly grateful that things turned out this way, because I ended up learning so much along the way. In 2000, I was diagnosed with multiple sclero
