A Voice for the Marginalized - Dr. Collen Batchelder

Published: Sept. 12, 2021, noon


This week we are joined by CEO of INDIVITI Dr. Colleen Batchelder.  For over 20 years Dr. Batchelder has presented talks on generational differences, racial justice, LGBTQIA+ inclusion, and the necessity for intergenerational education within corporate, nonprofit, and government sectors.  Dr. Batchelder leverages her doctorate in Leadership and Global Perspectives, her experiences as a millennial studying around the world, and her own passion and determination to be a voice for the marginalized and help companies create spaces of diversity, inclusion, and equity.

Music by Misha Zarins.

Show Links: 

Colleen\'s Website: colleenbatchelder.org/

Colleen\'s Twitter: twitter.com/Colleen_Batch

Colleen\'s Facebook: facebook.com/Dr.ColleenBatchelder

Colleen\'s LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/colleenbatchelder

Colleen\'s Instagram: instagram.com/colleen_batchelder/

Walkshow Website: https://thewalkshowpodcast.com/

Walkshow Twitter: https://twitter.com/TheWalkshowPod

Walkshow Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/the_walkshow/

Walkshow Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thewalkshow/

Walkshow Email: walker@thewalkshowpodcast.com

Misha Zarin\'s YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCf1hf_KEOaqnq3q6Yb3_hbw
