The attack against Madison Police.

Published: May 29, 2019, 11:16 p.m.

b'3PM \\u2013 Attorney/Activist Rick Esenberg looks at another attack on right to work in Wisconsin
3:30 \\u2013 State Representative and former Meteorologist talks with Vicki about climate change and some of the false information that\\u2019s being pushed.
4PM \\u2013 Michael Canon, Cato Institute, examines Medicaid expansion and whether what the state Dems are saying about it being free money is true.
4:30 \\u2013 Wil Flanders, Wisconsin Institute for Law and Liberty, delivers seven policy ideas that lawmakers can consider for better health care.
5PM \\u2013 Brian Schimming joins Vicki in studio to discuss an ever growing issue of negativity toward Madison Police.'