Torre Washington | Vegan Wins IFPA Pro Show

Published: June 7, 2013, 6:44 p.m.

b'IFPA vegan pro bodybuilder, Torre Washington, wins his first pro show. After being vegan for more than a decade, Torre shares his secrets for how he added more muscle mass on a vegan diet that led him to winning his first pro bodybuilding contest.

In this episode you will learn:
*What Torre learned from lengendary vegan bodybuilder, Jim Morris, that helped him put on more muscle mass than ever to win his first pro show.

Find Torre on facebook by searching for "Tha Vegan Dread."

To support Torre, visit him at one of his shows. Here is his schedule:

June 8, Alabama, SNBF Show
June 28-29, Miami, Muscle Mania Universe Weekend
July 27th, Austin, INBF Show
August 24th, Alabama, NPC Show
Fall 2013, Arizona, Yorton Cup'