Matt Frazier 3 of 3 | The No Meat Athlete Diet

Published: March 21, 2014, 12:25 p.m.

b"How you have to eat to be able to drastically increase your endurance? How about how to run 50-100 miles no matter what your fitness level is?

In this episode we get to talk to the No Meat Athlete, Matt Frazier, author of the book No Meat Athlete, Run on Plants and Discover Your Fittest, Fastest, and Happiest Self.

Matt Frazier has been featured in Trail Runner Magazine, Canadian Runner Magazine, Rich Roll's book Finding Ultra, and Brendan Brazier's book Thrive Foods.

He has also run 3 50 mile ultra marathons and 3 50k races along with the Boston Marathon. He recently completed the 100 mile burning river marathon in Ohio.

In this series we get to know Matt, why he went vegan, and how he got to where he is today. In the next episodes we will go into his diet and workout routine along with sharing some of the best tips for improving your endurance drastically on a vegan diet.

To learn more about Matt Frazier, his book and his programs, visit his feature on our blog here:


Thomas Tadlock M.S."