Chad Byers 3 of 4 | Intermittent Fasting, Tons Of Fruit, 5% Bodyfat Year Round

Published: Aug. 26, 2013, 4:05 a.m.

b"This is another episode that will go down as one of the most eye-opening looks into what we really know about vegan nutrition strategies for gaining muscle and getting ripped.

Chad shares more nutrition strategies like intermittent fasting, and eating tons of fruit to stay at 5% bodyfat year round. He also shares how Low Carb vegan diets didn't work for him.

Chad Byers was a former P.E. teacher who used to teach students how to be more healthy and fit.

He holds a bachelor's degree in Exercise and Sports Science from Texas State University, as well as a minor in Health Sciences.

He also holds certifications in plant-based nutrition from Cornell University, as well as certifications in crossfit kettlebell.

He's a member of the vegan bodybuilding team, PlantBuilt, and a sponsored athlete from Plant-Fusion.

What amazes me about Chad, is that he has an 8-pack all year round, and the largest guns I've seen on any vegan athlete. In this 4-part interview series, Chad shares why he went vegan, and how he eats and works out to maintain his insanely lean and ripped physique.

In this episode, you will learn WHY Chad went vegan.

To learn more about Chad, visit:


Thomas Tadlock, M.S."