4: Dat New-New: A Purpose Driven Life, Importance of Sleep, Difficult Decision-Making, and more on the Information Overload of this Age

Published: Sept. 28, 2016, 7 a.m.


Adam\'s topics
  1. Information overload (update)
    1. Biases (example: confirm bias) shape the way i look for information, so I\\u2019m disciplining myself on what I even look for.
    2. http://nymag.com/selectall/2016/09/andrew-sullivan-technology-almost-killed-me.html
  2. Purpose driven life by Rick Warren.
    1. Goals aren\'t things you should be able to do without God. There is a goal to life for humanity (telos) set up by the creator.
Thane\\u2019s Topics
  1. The Decision (withdrawing from European Tour Qualifier due to injury)
    1. Factors at play; gut instinct and why it\\u2019s hard to trust; why I was relieved the evening after making the decision and am not looking back.
  2. Sleep - Importance of, why it\\u2019s becoming a fad, and does that make it a bad thing?
    1. https://theringer.com/how-much-is-your-sleep-worth-1b311d0d6ea4#.rcaqxfu3l
    2. The Power of Full Engagement
      1. p.12 - cultural view of recovery
      2. p.31 - ultradian rhythms (could be big help)
      3. p.37 - a world hostile to rest