PATREON PREVIEW- Florence DeWitt's Paranormal Detective Agency 01: G-g-g-ghost!

Published: July 16, 2019, 11 a.m.

As a preview of our Patreon-exclusive campaign of Monster of the Week, here is episode 1 of Florence DeWitt's Paranormal Detective Agency!

Several uneventful months after their encounter with the Fata Morgana, our motley crew of heroes stumbles across something supernatural in the heart of London — something to do with a mysterious apparition that's not entirely as it seems. Edgar sees a ghost. Clarence and Cassandra take a trip to the library. Florence and Cora take a dip in the sewers. 

This arc is based on and contains spoilers for Deliverance, OH 33-39; however, those episodes can be listened to out of context of the rest of Deliverance, OH if you haven't listened to the full season.

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