292MM: Recognizing Resistance

Published: March 12, 2018, 3 p.m.

What is resistance and why is it important to overcome it? In this episode, I talk about resistance, how to recognize it, and what to do when you recognize it. I also discuss the benefits of living in the present moment. So listen, be present, and learn how to bring more joy into your life by overcoming resistance.
5 Key Takeaways
  1. Resistance is not accepting what is, not surrendering to the present moment.
  2. According to Eckhart Tolle, if you are feeling anything other than lightness and ease, then you are not in the present moment. You are carrying the weight of something from the past or perhaps some intensity about something you’re anticipating or imagining from the future.
  3. There are two main ways to recognize resistance. One is by being aware of your thoughts and catching yourself when your thoughts are not focused on the present moment. The other way is by being aware of the way you feel in your body. 
  4. The past and the future only exist in your mind. 
  5. Mindfulness brings about a joyful state.
The present moment is your life.”
“The more present that you are, the more joy there is, the more gratitude, lightness and ease.”
Action Steps
Here are ways to overcome resistance and bring yourself back to the present moment:
  • Acknowledge that you are in resistance to the present moment.
  • Re-engage in whatever you may be doing at that moment.
  • When an emotional state arises in your body because of resistance, let it just flow through you.
  • Look at the things around you and notice them.
Resources Mentioned
Meditation Album (Watch out for the special code so you can get a 50% discount.)
Thank you for listening!