288FF: Why Things Get Worse Before They Get Better

Published: March 6, 2018, 4 p.m.

We’ve all heard it said that it’s darkest before the dawn. Have you ever noticed how things sometimes get worse before they get better? I want to talk about that a little bit in today’s episode and why I think that happens.
6 Key Takeaways
  1. Things getting worse before they get better is a theme all throughout the Bible. There are so many stories in the Bible where just before something wonderful and beautiful happened, there was a struggle and there was strife.
  2. What is it about things being darkest before the dawn? It’s like we are going through life wanting something, and we want it so dearly that we have this kind of white-knuckle response to it where we’re just hanging on to this thing that we want.
  3. When there’s this tension or resistance, it energetically makes it harder for what you want to really enter your life.
  4. There is an element of grace that comes with surrender’. Something happens around the surrender point where you kind of give up a little bit.
  5. Really and truly, things can seem on the surface to be worse before they get better. But there is change happening.
  6. When there’s a corner of your life that is needing change, you get a feel for what’s serving you and what isn’t, what you’re going to keep and what you’re going to get rid of, and there can be disorder and chaos. But it’s okay. Just push through. It’s all in the pursuit of things being better.
“I’ve had things pop up in life and it’s really interesting to me that right before something in my life improved sometimes things really seemed chaotic.”
“When there’s a lot of change happening, it’s really stirring up things energetically.”
Action Steps
Is there an area of your life where this is happening, where things feel they are in disarray and you need some help sorting through? I’d love to talk with you. Schedule a call with me at thetruthaboutliving.com/private-coaching.
And if you haven’t had the chance yet to sign up for the Monday Mindset and Inspiration Quotes, head over to thetruthaboutliving.com and sign up to start receiving every Monday beautiful quotes that are specifically chosen for you to help uplift you and carry you through the week.
Thank you for listening!
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