Content Batching Made Easy

Published: Nov. 25, 2023, 12:35 p.m.

b'Stock Images are CANCELLED. \\U0001f6d1 It\'s more important than ever to come across as an authentic brand, and your potential patients can spot a stock image photo a mile a way. This episode will help you sort out how to go about having a content Batching day so that your authenticity can shine through in your digital footprint.\\n\\n**BLACK FRIDAY SALE**\\nWanting more? Take "The Modern Dentist" digital course for access to videos showing this technique and more detailed descriptions of how I do my bonding. Also learn more about marketing in dentistry and the digital workflows that make life easier for your team! This action packed course offers a full suite of new tools for the modern, digital dentist who wants to stand out in a crowded market. AND, for a limited time, receive $600 OFF when you use my discount link with CODE: LEVELUP\\n\\u2060\\u2060Click here to access the course! \\u2060\\u2060\\n\\u2060\\u2060\\u2060\\u2060\\n\\nThanks for listening!\\nxo Peggy\\n\\u2060'