First Flight #47: Season 2 Ep 15 "Cease Fire"

Published: July 14, 2023, 5 p.m.

b'Chris and Abby have heaps to say about "Cease Fire":\\n\\nA military conflict erupts between the Vulcans and Andorians over a small terraformed planet that both sides make claim to. In the midst of the skirmish, the Vulcans announce they wish to discuss terms for a cease-fire, but Imperial Guard officer Shran believes the only one he can trust to mediate such a negotiation is Jonathan Archer.\\n\\nSeason 2 Format:\\n- Welcome & Reed Alert (spoiler warning) -Captain\'s Log (episode recap)\\n- Pros and Decons (analysis of episode) -Porthos\' Pick (our favorite parts)\\n-Trivia\\n-Vulcans\' Verdict (rating the episode on a scale of 1-10 grapplers)\\n\\nFeel free to let us know your Porthos\' Picks and Grappler Rankings, and/or your general thoughts so we can share them on our next Mail Bag episode. (Please note, contributions might be shared on the podcast!)\\n\\nFind Us on Twitter:\\n@FirstFlightPod\\nAbby: @abbymsommer \\nChris: @ShelfNerds\\n\\nFind Us on YouTube:\\nFirst Flight\'s Channel: Tricorder Transmissions Network Chris\' Channel : Completing the Shelf\\n\\nFind Us on Instagram and Facebook:\\n@firstflightpod'