Tour Manager Evan Pierri chats about his escapades and incidences while on-the-road with musicians. Some wild stuff as you may expect.

Published: July 25, 2021, 8 p.m.

Many of us have heard about the wild escapades of some rock bands while on tour. You know who they are. I remember a few headlines from the 70's and 80's  from prominent musicians who got themselves in  various degrees of trouble. Most of us basically laughed it off without showing too much disdain for the culprits.
Evan was not one of those musicians, but rather had the un-enviable job of keeping things together on the road while touring around Europe.
He is also an event coordinator, virtual tour creator and the podcast host of Notes from the Road.
Now, like many of us, he does have a "to do" list which is important in this fragile world of ours. The importance of having something to look forward to, whether it is fulfilling a "bucket list" item or traveling to a destination in the World, is  being planned by many.
He is a coffee lover and connoisseur also, much as I am with tea (The British in me).

You can find Evan here: