Type 3 The Achiever The Performer

Published: Sept. 13, 2021, 11 p.m.

Segment 1

R- Introduce Sharon and Clifton
S C -Tell our listeners about your experience with the Enneagram
S C Speak about the value of speaking to others of your type

Segment 2

S C - Some of our listeners have taken an Enneagram Assessment and can t find their one type. They may have more than one show up.
S C - How did you discover your type?
S C - What did you most resonate when hearing about the Type 3?

Segment 3

S C - What do you most enjoy about being a type 3?
S C - What would you like people to know about you?
S C - As you ve learned about the Enneagram, how you may be different than other people?

Segment 4

S C - What do you find most challenging about being a type 3?
S C - Will you share something about your continued Enneagram journey and the work you are doing?
S C - What would you tell people that are just starting this Enneagram journey?

Closing Message: Embracing all aspects of your type is just the beginning of your journey.
Self-compassion is one of the core ingredients in softening your ego.
Follow your breath, claim inner peace, and move forward with grounded presence.