The Power of Transcending the Game-A, Social Transformation Conversation with Curtrice Goddard

Published: Oct. 28, 2021, 1 a.m.

Are you ready for some dynamite in your life? You will absolutely be lit up by my guest this week, Curtrice Goddard. Curtrice is a Sprititual Teacher, Speaker, and Transfomation Coach whose work spans over 15 years of wellness and spiritual studies and facilitation. Her expertise weaves spiritual coundeling, leadership development, holistic health, mindset therapy, and emotional trauma hearling. She is the founder of Transcendence Global Institiute - a personal transformation company, and online community cultivating social transformation by providing self-develpment, trauma healig, and wellness tools and resources.

Transendent Global hosts inclusive roundtables and build initiatives focused on creating social transformation through raising consciousness in our global world. Curtrice's mastery lies in bridging her own unique wisdom and perspectives to self-develpment, and spiritual teachings as a catalyst to help people transed limitations in their lives and build an empowered future.