The New Psychology of Aging: Living Younger Part 1

Published: Aug. 12, 2021, 3 p.m.

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In my early 20s I used to tell my friends I was going to off myself before I turned 50 because I had no interest in aging. I wanted to look young, be healthy, fit and strong, have some cocktails and not feel like crap the next day, travel and have adventures, and be mentally sharp. And if I couldn t have all of that I was done. In my mind, 50 was that number where everything started going downhill.

It wasn t until I actually hit 50 that I realized hey this aging thing ain t so bad! Now my mission is to change the idea of what aging really is and what it can and will be in the very near future. In fact we might need to eliminate the word from our dictionaries after you learn about the exciting new discoveries in regenerative medicine and anti-aging research.