Stop "Should-ing" on Yourself!

Published: Oct. 16, 2023, 5 p.m.

b'How many times a day do you berate yourself with words of criticism? Do the words "should have", "would have" or "could have" top the list of most popular phrases you hear inside your head? Why are we so mean to ourselves? Here we are, doing the best we can in any given situation being subjected to an armchair quarterback in our heads constantly telling us how we got it wrong! If this resonates with you, the topic of today\'s show may help to provide strategies for dealing with that awful negative Neal or Nancy voice in your life. Anahata will share stories from her experience, as well as her clients and ways that have helped to turn down the volume of that negative monologue, and develop a stronger, more affirming voice to tune into. As always, there will be suggestions for crystals and stones to work with to support a more positive self image and self talk.'