Revealing Your Planetary Purpose with Guest Host Patricia McNair and Guest Ethann Fox

Published: May 3, 2021, 5 p.m.

Hi there everyone, it is ME again Patricia of Divine Guidance with Patricia. Wow I am so Humbled to be asked again to fill in for the Amazing Dr. Pat on her Show. With that said I wanted to Bring IT on the show , Finding a guest that brings to the Table an abundance of Gifts Wisdom and Achievements.
And You know it .. I did IT!
My guest joining me for this experience is none other Than Mr. Ethann Fox himself.
He is an amazingly Gifted Spiritual Teacher and Energy Healer. He is a Prime example of Success in Sharing all that the Universe has given for him to Teach , Empower and Completely Transfer Energy!
His story will Awaken and Trigger you Deep in your Soul.
When Mr. Fox accepted the invitation to be my guest here on the Dr. Pat show he shared with me what and why he wanted to come and share... these are his words...
" We are in a time of great changes in the world. We are going through a period of transition from what was before to what will be the beginning of a new age on the Earth. The future is quite bright and the greatest transition that we have seen in our present civilization is happening Now!
But first we must all go through this period of turbulent changes during which the old will pass away and the new will be born. It is the age of Heaven on Earth.
We have already experienced the first buildup of pressure in the world and the resulting changes not only in the collective consciousness, but in our own personal lives. So how can we transition from here to there the best way possible and with the least suffering?"

oh yes! this is going to be a great SHOW .. See you then, Blessings, Patricia

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