Purple Renaissance with my guests Kerry Forbes and E. Mandisa Subira

Published: April 21, 2021, 4 p.m.

Wow this show was crackin with energy, content and Diva Essence. It has to be the most fun and chalkfull episode TO DATE!
This show was Pre- recorded due to pegging each of us 3 active and productive women down to a time to get together.
That says a lot right?
These two ladies are amazing individually and together .. BAM!
They were brought together by thier understanding , Passion and pure Respect for the - gone way too soon Musician PRINCE.
And after meeting and sharing with both of them there is no doubt that the very essence of that amazing Soul works with and In and through them them TODAY!
Kerry is the Activator and E. Mandisa is the Activist for artist of all generes worldwide.
They are busy in so many ways with this endeavor that it is hard to put into this text space here ... Watch and See for yourself and enoy the energy and information of this awesome show.

Ok - so I have had to come in after we recorded the show and add things that transpired
even 10 minutes after the show.
Right after the Show I joined with both Kerry and E. Mandisa as I usually do to check in and see if everything went as they had wished with the show. I was a bit worried also because I had to change the date of when the show would AIr due to some overlapping SHOWS... I was completely blown away when I shared with them that I had to change that date to April 21st instead of the 7th.
They both started laughing excitedly and completely threw me lol. They said " That's the anniversary of Prince's leaving, wow He got you Trish!!"
AMAZING! that is a pure example of Divine Guidance.
Also in the short couple months since we prerecorded the show Kerry's Activiation Sessions have taken off like wild fire and.... E. Mandisa has aquired .. wait for it... her OWN TV Network .. Calling it SOL Zen Zuki focusing on Program Content full with - Mind Body Soul - and Creating Artistic Renaissance. They will be busy working on yet another amazing Adventure together.
You will be seeing them pop up alot in the near future.

WTG Purple Rennasiance - Kerry Forbes E. Mandisa Subira!!!