New Year's Resolutions: Success or Flop- Special Guest- Jamie Allen Bishop

Published: Jan. 25, 2024, 8 p.m.

b'This episode we are bringing on Jamie Allen Bishop who is a Mindset Coach, who knows what it is like to go beyond our own self imposed limits and soar. \\xa0 We are going to discuss how your New Year of 2024 is going so far and talk about New Year resolutions. What does it take to succeed and how do we deal with failure? \\xa0 As life coaches, Jamie and Pam are both committed to your success.\\xa0 We will provide tools, tips, techniques and most of all our love for you as a spiritual being having this human experience on Earth. \\xa0 Give yourself the gift of coming LIVE to our show so your questions, concerns, and needs can be heard and honored. \\xa0 **\\xa0This is a LIVE CALL IN SHOW:\\xa0 1-800-930-2819'