Metamorphosis: Your innate power to CHANGE

Published: Dec. 13, 2021, 10 p.m.

Hi Friends.

I have a new focus AND format for my live podcast, Soul Freedom Show.

Join later today for a little break and some fun?

Metamorphosis is your innate power to CHANGE the things in your life that keep you stuck, anxious, in despair. It's one of your superpowers. You're wired to change. Yet it's not always easy to know HOW.

Tamara Jorden, Mystic Inspirational Speaker is my special guest, and we have LOTS to say on this topic.

And...This is the only place where I offer FREE Intuitive Readings.

What's a reading?

It's a gift of wisdom intuition from our guidance systems. As an intuitive healer, I'm able to quickly assess a situation provide focused responses to questions. The rest is up to you. It helps you see your way clearly. It's what I do for a living, so if you haven't worked with me one-on-one, this is a good place to see if you might want to.

Tami will join for this week's readings, so get a double dose of insight!

So....dear you have a question about something keeping you stuck?
--A relationship you can't figure out?
--Career shift?
--Something going on with your child?
--Physical or emotional pain?
--How to connect more with YOUR divine intuition?

Join us.

Live on Facebook @TransformationTalkRadio today at 3pm MT / 5pm ET.

Message your question or call in: 800-930-2819.

Also!! Can't watch, but want a question answered? I'm all about how best to serve. Send a private message now and I will share guidance on the show. Specify if you want it to be anonymous or first name only.

The aim of this show is to offer insights, intuition, and perspective to illuminate how powerful YOU really are. Don't let anything tell you otherwise. Got that?