Life Remixed: Looking Beyond The Dance To Face The Music with Mark Wilkinson

Published: Aug. 16, 2021, 6 p.m.

If you are suffering with addiction, health, relationship, or financial challenges, or you just feel stuck in a rut and are ready to re-evaluate your life and make a change, Life Remixed will show you how to get there! The ability to remix your life is inside each and every one of us.
Mark took this dramatic collapse in his health, lifestyle, and income and turned it around to become the success he is today. His passion now is to help others avoid or recover from health, relationship, or financial crisis. In Life Remixed, Mark shares what he learned about making new choices and commitments in order to succeed. If it's time to remix your life, grab this book, keep an open mind, and hang on for the ride. Mark will show you how.
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