Learning from Life

Published: Sept. 4, 2023, 5 p.m.

b'What can life teach us? What are the hardest things to learn in life? Everyone is different, yet we all long to understand the world around and within us. Among the top of the hard-to-master list areTruth, Trust, Patience, Personal boundaries, Self-Love and Letting go of unhealthy emotional attachments. In this episode, Anahata shares realizations from her client work as well as her own. Whether the experiences are good or bad, there is always a way to learn and grow. As usual, Anahata also provides some recommendations of stones and crystals that hold frequencies that supports the challenges of change and letting go, so we can enjoy what life has to offer. Join us in the discussion! Watch Here https://youtu.be/zdw6MYEmAFI'