Healthy Ways to Navigate Your Relationships!

Published: Nov. 2, 2022, 8 p.m.

Answering the questions you have sent in....

Leighanne, I am struggling with moving forward right now. I as everything feels so uncertain. Any suggestions?

Hi Leighanne - I ve had a group of friends for years that I feel are suddenly judging me it s not a great feeling. Am I just being paranoid? How do I handle this?

Hi Leighanne, I am already dreading the Holidays as they are coming up. My family tends to spin out of control when they are together these days. Any thoughts .suggestions? I am supposed to be hosting Thanksgiving this year and frankly, I am dreading it.

Hi Leighanne, My question is about relationships. I feel like my husband and I get into angry, circular arguments that seem to go nowhere. Usually, it is on the same topics. Help.