Findhorn Spirit Oracle Cards by Swan Treasure

Published: April 18, 2022, 6 p.m.

The Findhorn community has cultivated a loving partnership with the subtle realms since its very beginning when one of the founders, Dorothy Maclean (1920-2020), began communicating with the devic world in the original Findhorn gardens. Following this lineage of communication with nature and the elemental beings, the Findhorn Spirit Oracle Cards were brought to life in the Findhorn gardens and sanctuaries through a special technique called touch-drawing.
Each card depicts a spirit being as they chose to reveal themselves, in order to pass on wisdom to help us navigate these times of transition. The cards function as energy activators and, through their messages and energies, offer support, companionship, and practical guidance that can be applied to the challenges of daily life. They can also assist us in establishing and deepening a partnership with the divine.
The cards call us to express a greater sensitivity toward all creation; to slow down, open our hearts, and fine-tune our perceptions to retrace our steps to a more authentic, alive, and lighter living on this planet.
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