Episode #12 - Remembering Our Sacred Connection - with Niki Shefras

Published: April 12, 2021, 4 p.m.

Have you ever felt there's more to life than you can see? Are you drawn to being in Nature? Are you yearning for more connection? Well, this week's show could be just what you've been waiting for! Hannah's joined by Niki Shefras from 'The Vida Sana' who provides practical guidance for a purposeful, balanced and beautiful life. They will be discussing how to step out of our comfort zones to remember our connection to nature and our ancestors, honouring the magic in all life and finding guidance during ancient rituals, such as sitting in circle around a fire. This will be an expansive and uplifting conversation, asking you to consider your daily habits and quesion whether you are open to receiving all the joy and sacred connection that's calling out to you.