Conditional "pictures"

Published: Oct. 26, 2021, 4 p.m.

Sometimes it feels like the world we're in is all there is.

What we've really done, most often, is gotten ourselves "stuck" in a picture of how things are, how they should be, and how they will always be.

Now, sometimes, the collective belief about the picture is so big, that even if you choose not to "plug in" to it, it will still persist, however, I think this pandemic is also showing us the many ways we can "blow up" the stuck pictures and many of us are taking the chance.

And even without a pandemic, there are a lot of ways we can get perspective without having to completely dismantle the lives we've built (because hey, a lot of the life you're inside of might be working really well for you. No need to sell the house when all you might need is a fresh coat of paint.)

Are you feeling stuck in a picture? Feeling like you know there's something else, but it's too unclear, uncertain, fuzzy?

In addition to coaching, Ellen is also an intuitive. If you're not ready for a 12-week coaching journey, why not have some fun and pop in for a reading?

Ellen reads energy naturally and neutrally. She's seen\/felt\/known things her whole life, and she gives readings to folks who are curious to see more about themselves that might be more at an energy level rather than a conscious / known thought level. (Often it's a little of both). She helps people to see where they are learning and growing in their lives, be it from a spiritual, body, or mind level. You can learn more, and book your reading today at

Listeners get a deal, get a discount when you book by 10/31 with the code 10%OFF (sessions may take place after 10/31, but must be booked by 10/31).