Bulldozer, Doormat, or Something in Between

Published: Jan. 24, 2024, 5 p.m.

b'What we believe and what we can conceive, we can achieve. Join me and my guest, Susan Denee a certified High-Performance coach specializing in woman empowerment in four key areas of life: emotions, relationships, health, and profession, author, and podcaster.\\xa0As a recovered alcoholic\\xa0since 2001, she attributes her spiritual foundation to servicing others in recovery.\\xa0 \\xa0 Get ready to go off-road as we chat about how\\xa0you\\xa0can operate under high stress, become a limit buster, and get to\\xa0Know Your Crazy. \\xa0 Watch Here:\\xa0https://youtu.be/ZcStUX5iQzs'