Bam Bouncers Puts FUN In Fitness!

Published: June 20, 2023, 4 p.m.

b"In this episode, get uplifted with, guest Alicia Egan of Bam Bouncers. Alicia will tell us her story of how she became owner and CEO of a very special fitness studio. She will describe what it took to open up her own club and what the secret sauce is that has her patrons coming back over and over again! We will get a lesson in rebounding exercise and why it is so crucial for our organs and overall health. Callers will receive some amazing give aways that Alicia has picked for The OM Show audience. Let's get excited because this show will have you bouncing off the walls! Join us LIVE for an immediate pick-me-up with the positive energy between Tanya and Alicia."