Are You Ready for Love? Ask Dr. Love

Published: May 7, 2015, 9:22 p.m.

Ask Dr. Love with Dr. Jamie Turndorf:
Are You Ready for Love? with Bestselling Author Mira Kelley

Did you know that many of us aren't ready to receive love because we don't feel worthy of being loved. In this episode, I'll be speaking with Mira Kelley who shares my belief that our relationships are our greatest teacher. According to Mira, relationship conflicts can be traced to our inability to see our worthiness to love. Mira says, "If you resist knowing that you are lovable, you will attract challenging relationships that require very hard work. If you resist knowing that you deserve being loved and taken care of, you will attract relationships that are meant to help you heal. Your soul will seek to remedy the imbalance."

If you are tired of chasing after love but finding yourself unable to receive it because you feel unworthy of that love or totally unfamiliar and uncomfortable with receiving, then tune in to this week's show.

My time with Mira is just what the doctor ordered to help you begin to finally feel worthy of giving and receiving the love you deserve.