An Amazing Journey through Self Healing - Michele Phillips

Published: May 4, 2022, 4 p.m.

During a time where there is so much confusion and even division on Health Matters it will be such a breath of fresh air to share a story that shows how We can defy all odds and Self Heal!
The DIS Eases that come close to our hearts via friends and family, or even ones we have had or have ourselfs may all vary. However the knowledge of Modalities, Mindset, Energy transferance and so much more can truly assist US ALL!
Michele Phillips is one of the Sparkling Beings that I know that dove in deep to journey through her own Self Healing, with much Courage and yes even some tears and confusion - she kept going and conquered her Dis Ease.
She has published a unique book sharing her experience called " Been There Done That Wrote This".
her book is available on Amazon Barnes Noble.
I cannot wait for you to meet her!