Amanda Starwaya Intuitive Psychic - Healer, Host of "Messages of Light" on Blog Talk Radio

Published: May 17, 2023, 4 p.m.

b"I have had the pleasure to now Amanda for about 25 years. We first connected on a platform called Paltalk. We have always stayed connected and popped in and out of each others lives. It has been a joyous adventure looking in on her and seeing her journey expand, deepen and excel. Amanda's big beautiful Golden heart reaches out with her Soul for miles before you actually get to see her caring eyes. Her Natural Gifts come throght her instantaniously and Free Flow. A pure Angeletic being walking in form, Wayshowing how to keep going and stay in your Divine Light. Amanda is like my little sister here on Mother Earth and I am so excited to have the opportunity to let her shine on my show."