35. Faith in the Unknown- Your way out of stagnation (Part 2)

Published: Sept. 9, 2022, 4 p.m.

Welcome to this special 2 part Episode with Coach Claudia-Sam, host of the Be Happy Now show. Get ready to awaken to the truth of what is available for you when you embrace the unknown rather than resisting it.

Learn the practice of honoring what you can and can t control and how the belief effect lays out so beautifully the blueprint of your life. Discover what is required to have unwavering faith in yourself so that you break free from permission, free from the need to be validated, free from apologizing for yourself, free to become the youest you possible.

Listen to part one episode by going to Claudia-Sam s show - Be Happy Now. You will learn to recognize where stagnation is in your body and align with the energy of making an empowered decision to either stay there or move forward.

With both episodes, you ll be invited and inspired to connect with who you really are.

PART 1 Head over to Claudia - Sam's podcast the Be Happy Now. In this first part of the conversation we share how to recognize where stagnation is in your body and align with the energy of making an empowered decision to either stay there or move forward.

This is an opportunity for you to grow with the uncertainty of how life will pan out (without letting the Fear of the unknown take over and keep you in fight or flight mode).