13. How to live more consciously after a life-altering event: Berny Bluman's story

Published: June 9, 2023, midnight

b"In this episode of The Power of Your Voice, I have two amazing guests who will inspire you to live more fully and authentically. First, I talk with Berny Bluman, a consultant and business speaker who shares his incredible story of overcoming a life-changing accident and finding new meaning and purpose in his work and life. He teaches us how to embrace change, practice gratitude and focus on the present moment. Next, I chat with Kelly Tangarife, a speaker, coach, and trainer who educates us on the importance of brain health and how to take care of our supercomputer. She explains the difference between the brain and the mind, and how they influence our emotions, actions and relationships. You'll learn how to nourish your brain with proper nutrition, hydration and physical protection. Don't miss this episode, full of valuable insights and tips on how to improve your well-being and happiness."