Kim Nodurft of Kim Nodurft Photography

Published: May 15, 2013, 6:53 p.m.

b'Okay, so I\'m a little crazy. I can be traditional when the occasion calls for it. But I can also be fun and edgy. Since personality plays a huge part in choosing a photographer, thought I\'d let the business side of me take over and do a few bullet points. (These are so fun!)

* I love sitcoms.

* I have a really fabulous sense of humor. If I weren\'t a photographer, I\'d be an architect or a comedian.

* I love to shoot bands (Rise Against, Nofx, Evergreen Terrace, Offspring etc.). It makes me a better wedding photographer. If I can still get the shot while having a beer poured over my head (it\'s happened!), then a wedding is a walk in the park. And a lot dryer!

* I went to the University of Tennessee in Knoxville. Managed to hit all the parties while staying on the dean\'s list. That was a major feat! Majored in Business. Finally figured out I\'m right and left brained. So weird!

* I\'m from Knoxville. But I like to tell people I\'m from Hoboken. Just to see if they\'re listening...

* Studied photography after selling my 1st image at 13. Waited until I was published in several magazines to figure out what all those little buttons did on my camera. Where else would someone go to learn all this but ... Paris. So I became a workshop junkie. Studied with some of the very best photographers in the world. After Paris I made my way to Ireland, Hawaii, Cali, New York, Florida (they have gators there!). Oregon, and of course (drum roll please) Vegas.

* I\'ve since taught wedding photography in Paris, the Outer Banks of NC and Monterey, Calf., Vegas and have an upcoming workshop booked in Maui.

* I love to be green. No, not as in "sea sick" green. I love to help the environment and animals. I\'m a work in progress on going greener. Sold my convertible T-Bird to get a car with better gas mileage.

* I have too many friends to count. Moved here a little over 4 years ago from NC. Wouldn\'t leave here to save my life. I\'m the luckiest person on earth to count so many wonderful people as my good friends. And at least half are photographers. We\'re a fun bunch!

* My favorite food is anything Mexican or Italian. Does anyone really answer that with salad?

* This image of me was done by my good friend Christine. I won\'t look this good in person I promise.

* And also, yes, I\'m an award winning photographer. Big deal. I\'m really only as good as my last shoot. The most important thing to me is happy clients.'