Why Even Are Sorcerers? (Edition Wars 032)

Published: Dec. 14, 2020, 8:46 p.m.

b"Welcome to the Edition Wars Podcast, hosted by Brandes Stoddard and Sam Dillon. In this episode we discuss the development of the Sorcerer class in D&D through the editions.\\nNext Episode: 12 Days of Edition Wars 2020\\nSam on Twitter\\nSam on the Web (RPGMusings.com)\\nSam's DnDeBrief Podcast\\nBrandes Stoddard on Twitter\\nBrandes Stoddard on the Web\\nBrandes Stoddard at Tribality\\nThetomeshow.com\\nPatreon.com/thetomeshow\\nPatreon.com/BrandesStoddard"