Tome Ep 153: Gauntlgrym

Published: Oct. 17, 2010, 5 a.m.

In this episode I interview R.A. Salvatore about his latest Drizzt novel, Gauntlgrym. I also had Chad Sutton from the Lords of Tyr podcast join in for a review of the book. This is Stop One on the official Gauntlgrym blog tour for Mr. Salvatore and it comes with a contest and some really fantastic prizes to boot. See below for your first chance to win. Sponsors: Pick of the Episode - Ghost King Links: Worldbreaker KickStarter Project Lords of Tyr D&D Official Website - It has come to my attention that since recording this episode the novel survey has been removed, sorry guys! :-( Official Gauntlgrym Blog Tour Contest The following question relates to the riddle that @Wizards_DnD tweeted earlier today. Solve this question for a prize. And a clue! Because the answer is the first of eight clues that will help you solve the riddle at the end of the week when the online tour wraps up. The first person to comment on this blog post with both the correct answer to the following clue question and his/her Twitter user name wins today's prize. Please note that in order to be eligible you must: 1) Follow @Wizards_DnD on Twitter; 2) Read the official rules and complete the online entry form -- both of which are available at: FROM WIZARDS OF THE COAST: Visit all the stops during R.A. Salvatore’s week-long Gauntlgrym online tour to find the seven other clues. At the end of the online tour on 10/22/10, put all the clues together, be first to solve the riddle and tweet about it, and win a signed copy of Gauntlgrym and a trip for two to D&D Experience in Fort Wayne, IN. You must include @Wizards_DnD and #gauntlgrym in your tweet. Riddle-solving tweets won’t be accepted until 12:01 a.m. EST on 10/22/10. UPDATE, 5:00 PM EST: Congrats to Jonathan Westmoreland, the first eligible participant who correctly answered the clue question! Here's the correct answer, since everybody will need it in order to solve the riddle at the end of R.A. Salvatore's online tour beginning 10/22/10. Remember to visit all the other tour stops to find the next seven clues. Schedule, contest details, and official rules are available here: