The Tome Ep 87: Rouse at GenCon

Published: Oct. 25, 2008, 6:19 p.m.

The Fist Full of Comics and Games guys got me this interview from GenCon 2008 with Scott Rouse, D&D Brand Manager at WotC. It's the "Lost GenCon Interview". Duh duh duh. Anyway, I also play a promo for Quarter Life, a fantastic Podcast novel. Also, we have the winners of the Secret Code contest, but by the time I got the names I had already recorded this. So here they are in print, and I'll give them a shout out on the next episode. Alex Wawro Chris Nolen Emmet Ford Christine Forshner John T Wojdan Matt Borselli Pôl Jackson Wayne Humfleet Todd Swick Victor Wyatt Help support the show by checking out the Amazon Store, here's a sample of what you can get...