The Metaphysics of Souls (DnDeBrief 026)

Published: Nov. 26, 2020, 5:17 p.m.

b'The Tome Show is now hosting the D&DeBrief actual play D&D 5e podcast. This is episode 25, if you are not caught up with the story, you can find previous episodes under the Actual Play category at or search the back catalog of the Tome Show using your favorite podcatcher.\\nD&DeBrief episode 026 - The Metaphysics of Souls\\nSummary: As the gang travels to Kalport they discuss their situation and decide how to proceed. When they arrive they are greeted with a summons from the queens.\\nDebrief:\\xa0The debrief topic in this episode is how do you know how much information to give the players? How do you ensure they get all the info they need? When do you give the clues? And what are the consequences for too many clues or not enough clues?\\xa0\\nHave comments, questions, feedback, or suggestions for debrief topics? Email us!\\nMaps & Images:\\xa0\\nIsland Chain where Trastenfen is located:\\xa0Map of the Gormer Chain\\nThe region to the West of Trastenfen:\\xa0Map of West Region\\nLinks:\\nDMSamuel on Twitter:\\xa0@DMSamuel\\nSam on the Web:\\\\nKaru (Marcel, They/Them, Lutrinian Sorcerer) on Twitter:\\xa0@mystarseed\\nNina (Emmeryn, She/Her, Human Cleric of Goras) on Twitter:\\xa0@n_bayes3\\nMattB (Khonnos, He/Him, Sea Elf Warlock) on Twitter:\\xa0@mbriddell\\nDavid (Axley, He/Him, Halfling Bard) on Twitter:\\xa0@DaviDeployed\\nMusic: Mystery by ebunny\\xa0\\nD&DeBrief Logo by Amber Seger\\\\\\'