The Appendix N Podcast - Episode 26 - The Golgotha Dancers by Manly Wade Wellman & The Pygmy Planet by Jack Williamson

Published: Dec. 23, 2015, 8:30 a.m.

b'It\\u2019s a sci-fi double feature! Evil paintings come to life! Menacing miniature metal men! Enjoy our discussion of these two obscure classics of pulp fiction and maybe bring a unique element or two to your next gaming session.www.nobleknight.comManly Wade Wellmanborn May 21, 1903 in Portuguese West Africa (now Angola); died April 5, 1986his father was a doctor; family moved to United States while still a boyfirst published story was \\u201cThe Lion Roared\\u201d in 1927; first science fiction novel\\xa0The Invading Asteroid, 1929in the 1920s, wrote movie reviews for\\xa0Wichita Beacon; worked as a court and crime reporter for\\xa0Wichita Eaglemarried Frances Obrist, a horror writer published in\\xa0Weird Talescareer spanned the 1940s to the 1980s; wrote first issue of\\xa0Captain Marvel Adventures\\xa0for Fawcett ComicsThe Golgotha Dancers\\xa0appeared in\\xa0Weird Tales, October 1937John Stuart Williamsonborn April 29, 1908 in Arizona Territory; died November 10, 2006often called \\u201cDean of Science Fiction\\u201d after the passing of Robert Heinleinread\\xa0Amazing Stories\\xa0as a young manearly influenced by Miles J. Breuer, a doctor who wrote science fiction; also influenced by A. Merritthe was a published author by the 1930\\u2019s; Isaac Asimov was a fanhe continued to write into his 90s; he died at the age of 98 in 2006The Pygmy Planet\\xa0appeared in\\xa0Astounding Stories, February 1932My guests:Louis Brentontwitter - @revlouisbrentonJeremiah McCoywebsite -\\xa0http://thebasicsofthegame.wordpress.comCo-host:Jeffrey Wikstromwebsite -\\xa0jeffwik.comemail -\\xa0jeffwik@gmail.comEmail us with your comments!http://www.thetomeshow.comthetomeshow@gmail.comSupport the show, shop below...NOBLE KNIGHT GAMES'