The Appendix N Podcast - Episode 17 - Creep Shadow Creep by A. Merrit

Published: July 29, 2015, 8:30 a.m.

b'Dr. Alan Caranac returns from abroad to find one\\nof his best friends has been murdered. Seeking the culprit leads him into a\\ntale of past lives and supernatural horror. Will true love prevail or will Alan\\nend up a shadow of his former self? Find out in this episode!\\n\\\\n\\nMerrit, A.: CREEP, SHADOW, CREEP; MOON POOL;\\nDWELLERS IN THE MIRAGE; et al\\n\\n\\u201cThe most immediate influences upon AD&D\\nwere probably de Camp & Pratt, R. E. Howard, Fritz Leiber, Jack Vance, H.\\nP. Lovecraft, and A. Merrit\\u201d \\u2014 Gary Gygax\\n\\nAbraham Merrit\\n\\nborn 1884, died 1943\\n\\nWikipedia names H. Rider Haggard, Robert W.\\nChambers, Helena Blavatsky and Gertrude Barrows Bennett (writing as Francis\\nStevens) as \\u201cheavy influences.\\u201d\\n\\nHe was a major influence on Appendix N authors\\nH. P. Lovecraft and Michael Moorcock. He was referenced in the\\xa0Lensman\\xa0series\\nby E. E. Smith.\\n\\nBorn in Beverly, New Jersey. Primarily a\\njournalist. Assistant editor of\\xa0The American Weekly\\xa0from 1912\\nto 1937 and then editor until his death in 1943.\\n\\nMerrit\\u2019s first fantasy\\nstory was \\u201cThrough the Dragon Glass\\u201d (1917)\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nCo-host:\\n\\nJeffrey Wikstrom\\n\\nwebsite -\\\\n\\nemail -\\\\n\\n\\xa0\\n\\nMy guest:\\n\\nChris Constantin\\n\\nwebsite -\\xa0\\n\\n\\xa0\\n\\nEmail us to find out how you can get involved!\\n\\n\\xa0\\n\\n\\n\\\\n\\n\\xa0\\n\\nGeoffrey Winn\\\\n\\n\\xa0Support the show, shop below...\\n\\nNOBLE KNIGHT GAMES'