Round Table 52 - Baldur's Gate, Basic Rules Website, and Elemental Evil

Published: Jan. 19, 2015, 8:30 a.m.

b"James Introcaso\\xa0sits down with\\xa0Rudy Basso,\\xa0Alex Basso,\\xa0Allison Rossi, and\\xa0Andrew Kane\\xa0to talk about the\\xa0announcement of a new Baldur's Gate game, a new\\xa0website for the Basic D&D rules, and the\\xa0covers of the\\xa0Adventurer's Handbook\\xa0and\\xa0Princes of the Apocalypse. This podcast was recorded on January 13, 2015.Links:The Tome Show on Facebookworldbuilderblog.meMoonratsD&D V&G 3Support the show, shop below...NOBLE KNIGHT"