Round Table 44 - DMG Previews and Mike Mearls AMA

Published: Nov. 24, 2014, 12:30 p.m.

b"James Introcaso\\xa0sits down with\\xa0Jeff Greiner,\\xa0Sam Dillon,\\xa0Liz Theis, and\\xa0Dave Gibson\\xa0to talk about the latest\\xa0Dungeon Master's Guide\\xa0previews and a recent\\xa0Mike Mearls Reddit AMA. This podcast was recorded on November 13, 2014.Links:Tome Show on Facebookworldbuilderblog.merpgmusings.com5mwd.comMagic Item TablesVillainous Class OptionsBuilding NPCsMagic Item PreviewCreating a New RaceThe\\xa0Tiamat\\xa0TakedownSupport the show, shop below..."