Round Table 113 - D&D Movie, N-Space, and The RPG Business Part I

Published: April 4, 2016, 8:30 a.m.

b"James Introcaso\\xa0sits down with\\xa0Alex Basso,\\xa0Rudy Basso, and\\xa0Greg Blair\\xa0to discuss\\xa0Rob Letterman being named director of the Dungeons and Dragons movie\\xa0and\\xa0the end of Sword Coast Legends studio N-Space. Then it's a second panel discussion with\\xa0Richard Zayas,\\xa0Mike Shea,\\xa0Neal Powell, and\\xa0Shawn Merwin\\xa0about making money in the RPG Business. This podcast was recorded on March 8 and 31, 2016.\\n\\n\\nNoble Knight\\xa0Pick of the Episode:\\xa0Dungeons of Dread\\n\\n\\nDMs Guild\\xa0Pick of the Episode:\\xa0Names for Tendays\\n\\n\\nPlease\\xa0rate and review The Tome Show on iTunes. It takes 30 seconds and helps us a bunch!\\n\\n\\nLinks:\\nThe Tome Show on Facebook\\nD&D V&G\\nRoll20 Con\\\\nRoll20\\nSly Flourish\\nEncoded Designs\\nDungeon Master's Block\\nRich Howard Patreon\\nDown with D&D\\nGamer to Gamer Shawn Merwin\\nWhat is an Adventure Worth?"