How to Know What to Buy (Tome 341)

Published: July 13, 2020, 2:35 p.m.

b"In this episode, Jeff and Tracy sit down with Sam Dillon and Jared Rascher to discuss how to make decisions about what to buy for your D&D game.\\xa0\\nLinks:\\nJared Rascher on Twitter\\n\\xa0\\nJared Rascher on the Web\\n\\xa0\\nJared Rascher on Gnome Stew\\n\\xa0\\nJared Rascher on YouTube\\n\\xa0\\nSam on Twitter\\n\\xa0\\nSam on the Web (\\n\\xa0\\nSam's DnDeBrief Podcast\\n\\xa0\\nTracy on Twitter\\n\\xa0\\nTracy on the Web\\n\\xa0\\nJeff on Twitter\\n\\xa0\\\\n\\xa0\\"