Ep. 299 David Stockman: The Keynesian Toolbox Is Empty

Published: Dec. 5, 2014, 5:47 p.m.

What a pleasure to be joined once again by David Stockman! I strongly urge you to visit his blog and check out his latest book, The Great Deformation (see below). Issues Discussed Financial reporters whose articles take Keynesianism as an unstated starting point Is the apparent Chinese prosperity real? If China’s economy suffers a reversal, how would this affect the American consumer and economy? Why did a Harvard professor recently urge the abolition of cash? How can Paul Krugman claim that nonexistent “austerity” failed, but not think Japan’s experiment in Keynesianism failed? What’s the story in Japan? About the Guest David Stockman, a former member of the U.S. Congress, served as chairman of the Office of Management and Budget under Ronald Reagan (1981-1985). Following a subsequent career on Wall Street, Stockman opened his own private equity fund company, Heartland Industrial Partners, in Greenwich, Connecticut. Book David Stockman, . Articles Mentioned Guest’s Website Related Episodes : Japan: Failed Keynesian Experiment (Bob Murphy) : David Stockman on Krugman, the Fed, and the Future (related because at the end I ask Stockman about his views on taxes, which you may wonder about after reading one of the articles above) Special Offers If you enjoy the Tom Woods Show, my new book —  — is for you. ! And get a free copy of the audiobook version, with me reading it, at. Like the new TomWoods.com? It was designed by my friends at Studio 1 Design. They’ve agreed to give my listeners 10% off any design project through .