Ep. 1011 A Skill to Keep You Out of the Poorhouse: A Conversation with Bob Bly

Published: Sept. 28, 2017, 9:28 p.m.

EDIT: I mistakenly said September 13 in today's episode when I meant September 30 for the 1000th episode live event. Please be there! Details at .   The only person in the world I have ever allowed to write in my name is Bob Bly, who wrote the sales copy you see on the home page at LibertyClassroom.com. McGraw-Hill calls him "America's top copywriter." And he knows an enormous amount about it -- and many other things besides.   There's a reason we teach copywriting in the Ron Paul Curriculum: it's an extremely valuable and lucrative skill, and you'd better believe I want my own kids to learn how to do it.   Plenty of great stuff in this conversation.