Fearless Podcast, County Lines (Contains adult themes)

Published: June 19, 2019, 11:34 a.m.


A special Fearless.org episode in partnership with Crimestoppers. \\xa0The episode explores the work of Fearless.org and goes on to look at issues related to \'county lines\' crime. \\xa0Explaining what that entails and looking at its current place in the wider world of drug dealing and crime. \\xa0The podcast team speak to guests\\xa0Geraint Williams (Fearless Outreach Worker),\\xa0Steve Ridyard and\\xa0PC Alyn Smith to bring you a range of perspectives on the subject. \\xa0


The production team for this episode worked over 12 weeks as part of the Creative Sparks scheme at TAPE to research and develop the podcast, this included designing the logo, researching the guests and interview techniques as well as all the tech stuff. \\xa0


The production team for this episode were: \\xa0


Ellis Roberts, Tim Lewin, Hugh Fletcher,\\xa0Liam McAughley &\\xa0Katie Costello\\xa0


















If you\'d like to be involved in future episodes of the podcast you can as part of the Creative Sparks scheme:\\xa0








