10 Steps to 25 Episodes - Step #07 - Episodes 6 - 15 TEASING TO GREAT EPISODES

Published: Nov. 7, 2016, 8 a.m.

Welcome to 10 steps to 25 episodes. This program is designed to help you launch your podcast and publish your first 25 episodes.

THIS IS STEP #7 - RECORDING EPISODES SIX THROUGH FIFTEEN. Now we have really began recording your podcast! As you get into the "habit" of recording your show, pay close attention to the things that work for you. You haven't published yet, but this is when you start to become a true host.

While there are many "podcast launch" programs available, this series is focused on your content and helping you tell your story.  I also want to help you develop disciplines and habits to help you overcome the initial fear of talking into a microphone. Finally, this series is NOT focused on social media, marketing or monetization...there are plenty of podcast guides that focus on those elements.

Thanks and I hope my 10 steps program helps you launch the podcast of your dreams!