59 - SOT Ch.5 - The Second Best Nathan

Published: June 4, 2020, 4 a.m.

b"In this chapter of Stone Of Tears, we find ourselves once again taken away from Richard and Kahlan, and with some brand new characters! One is a Sister of the Light, doing the Creators work, and the other is a half mad, half genious (or is he?) prophet named Nathan. Either way I think we can all agree he's incredibly handsome. Join us for Chapter 5 of Stone Of Tears by Terry Goodkind!

On another note, you may have noticed this episode was not aired on Wednesday like normal. This was done in respect of #Blackouttuesday and #Theshowmustbepaused as we believe that while our stories are very important to us, there are things going on in the world outside of this podcast that deserve everyones attention. We will be returning to our regular schedule next week! Thank you all for understanding and supporting us in this.



